Please remember to maintain your home on a regular basis. The most frequently overlooked items are the front landscape and fences or gates. Please keep the front landscape free...
Please be reminded, that architectural approval is required prior to making any exterior changes. This includes but is not limited to painting, changing landscape or windows. You can find...
Please be reminded: Per the current restrictions due to the pandemic, the playground, exercise equipment, and spa are closed. Please do not remove the caution tape from these areas.
The tot lots and exercise equipment remain closed per state guidelines. The pool and tennis courts are now open with new rules. TEMPORARY FACILITY USE RULES The following Temporary...
Tips for staying safe and healthy. Keep your distance, at least 6 feet away. Wash you hands frequently Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces. Stay home if you are...
The annual meeting and election of the Board of Directors has been adjourned to November 5, 2019 due to lack of quorum. The community is only 10 votes away from...